Thursday, 21 May 2009

From the top: A smart Nightingale, one of several now back on territory at our Suffolk ringing site. Image 2: A Chiffchaff nest in Pampas grass, Image 3: A Dunnock nest with bright blue eggs. Image 4: The speckled eggs and nest of a Blackbird. 

The first nest here is a Bullfinch nest with 5 speckled pale blue eggs. Image 2 is a Linnet nest, crammed with chicks! Image 3 & 4 below illustrate more Chaffinch nests, with both chicks and eggs.

Mid-May Update  . . . .
The first two photographs below show 2 Wicken Fen- Grey Heron
chicks, the third went missing at the late egg/early chick stage.
The last two images are of a Blackcap nest firstly with eggs and then 
with very young chicks. . . .both from our Suffolk ringing site .

Monday, 4 May 2009

Nest Finding - April

The first nests to be found in April and early May included the following: Photo 1 & 2: Grey Heron at Wicken Fen. Only 1 active nest this year. Photo 3 & 4: Several Chaffinch nests have been found. Photo 5: A Robin nest with chicks, found in the leaf litter. Photo 6: Another Chaffinch nest. . . .